Tag Visual Basic Editor

Compilation Explained

In this blog post we will examine compilation and the effect it has on the code you write. Compilation is the act of converting our human readable code ( VBA) into code the computer understands.  It may also be that…

Visual Basic Editor Options

In this blog post we take a look at some of the options available in the Visual Basic Editor (press ALT + F11 to open). VBA has a concise set of options and tools which you can set to change…

Immediate Window

In this blog post we look at how you can use the immediate window whilst coding. The immediate window is a fantastic tool for testing and debugging code. Here are a few simple commands (open the immediate window and type…


In this blog post we will discuss debugging and provide you with some simple tips for debugging your code. In VBA when we write code, it often doesn’t work how we expect it to or we think it is working…

Basic Tools for Writing Code

In this blog post, we provide you with some basic tools for writing VBA code. The VBA Editor incorporates a number of useful features which help you whilst you are writing code.  Here we’ll take a closer look at a…

The VBA Editor Explained

In this blog post, we explain how the VBA editor works. There are four main areas of the editor that you need to know about.  The Code Window The Code Window is where all your VBA code will be written.…

Opening The VBA Editor

In this blog post, we will show you how to open the VBA editor. The above image is the VBA Editor with three areas highlighted; the Project Explorer, Code Window and Immediate Window.  This is what is known as an…

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